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Due to constant algorithm changes, frequent new feature updates and a saturated market base –  social platforms like Instagram are getting harder and harder for small business owners to use for marketing. But the pasture is still green over at Pinterest!

Pinterest works wonders for business, but figuring out how to use it can be time-consuming and confusing. Let’s get started by understanding the basics of Pinterest so we can see if a Pinterest marketing strategy is right for you.

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A recent study by Pinterest discovered that 97% of searches carried out on the platform are unbranded, proving the need for a strong Pinterest marketing strategy.  Such a high percentage of unbranded searches is a strong indication that Pinterest users are on the platform to seek inspiration and discover new products or ideas.

The study also noted that 93% of Pinners use Pinterest to plan future purchases and shop. For businesses, that’s a huge! Your target audience is primed and ready to buy, they’re searching for new brands, and they statistically spend more money on Pinterest than on other platforms.

The bottom line is if you are not yet using Pinterest for your business, you are missing out on a mass amount of traffic to your website, opt-ins and purchases from your ideal target clients. 

Contrary to what many people believe, Pinterest is actually not a social media platform. It is a visual search engine! For that reason, knowing how to strategically use Pinterest keywords and quality SEO to maximise your reach is extremely important. When a pin ranks favorably in Pinterest’s search engine, it creates many opportunities for your content to be shown.

Pinterest monthly management is for bloggers, podcasters and online service-based businesses who want to drive more targeted traffic to their website.

If you create consistent content and your systems and funnels are working, Pinterest offers tremendous opportunity to amplify and grow what is already working.

If you are business that is just starting out and you haven’t quite started seeing success yet (don’t get discouraged – you’ll get there!) or if you don’t have many links on your website and aren’t dedicated to creating steady, consistent-flowing new content – it may be just little to early to invest in Pinterest. 

As one of the most popular platforms in the world, Pinterest currently has 473+ million monthly active users.

According to the latest statistics, approximately 60% of Pinners are female, ages 25 – 54 years old with an average household income of $100k+. Pinterest user’s are open to new products and ideas, and they are ready, willing and able to spend based on what they discover on Pinterest.

On other social platforms, the length of time that your followers are given to view and interact with your content is about 18-24 hours.

But on Pinterest, the average lifespan of each pin can range from 1 -3 months! Yes, MONTHS. And some of your greatest pins can benefit your business, while continually generating traffic, for even years!

Although we may never know the exact formula of how the Pinterest algorithm works – Pinterest has told us the important factors we can focus on, with relevance (aka Pinterest SEO) and pin quality at the very top of the list.  

In order for Pinterest to consider your content relevant to user searches, we need to tell Pinterest what your pin is about.  We do this by using Pinterest keywords and inserting quality SEO. 

Pinterest determines a pin’s quality by measuring how much users are interacting with it. We achieve this by using text overlay with attention-grabbing headlines, high-quality images, long vertical pins, and colors that stand-out and are relative to your branding.

Ever heard the expression “good things come to those who wait”? Pinterest is a slow-burn and a long-term game. It can take between 2-3 months for your keywords to take hold and for your content to start to gain traction within the platform’s algorithm. During this time we keep a close eye on your account’s activity and analytics, and adjust accordingly to keep the momentum going. 

While you’ll see an increase in traffic within the first month, the big results can take some time.

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